
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

Molluscum Contagiosum, Genital Warts (Human Papillomavirus (HPV), Genital Herpes, Sex and STDs

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Moles (Nevi) Mapping

Nevi, also known as moles, are accumulations of modified melanocytes located in the epidermis or deeper in the dermis (its underlying layer). They appear from birth and later up to the age of 25 and increase

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Acne Treatment

Acne is not, as many believe, a feature of adolescence. It occurs more often at these ages but may first appear at any age up to 40 or to be continued beyond that age.

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Skin Scars and their Treatment

The scars are the result of skin regeneration after damage that reaches up to its deepest layers (reticulum dermis). More superficial trauma, for example to epidermis, does not leave a scar. Scars are

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Fungal Infection of the Feet

Fungal infection of the feet is a very common and annoying disease that afflicts a large number of people as it often relapses with great frequency despite treatment.

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The appearance of the nails can reflect the general health of our body. Many systemic diseases also have manifestations from the nails. Changes in the color, durability, thickness and general quality

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Hair Loss - Alopecia Areata

Hair quality is genetically predetermined, but it also depends on external factors. At times, we may notice more hair loss than normal which is usually restored within a few months and is associated with

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Keloids and Hypertrophic scars

Keloids are firm, hard growths that occur as a result of excessive scar formation and are created after a skin injury.

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Male Skin

The skin care as well as the overall image and appearance in general is not only a woman’s concern.

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